2 minute read

This page is basically a directory of links. I have a hodgepodge of useful bookmarks accumulated over time in a yet-to-be-well-organized bookmark directory and I wanted to group up a few of them for specific topics (this page being for links related to Computer Science (CS) generally). I figured I might as well post it here for my own reference and so others might get use from it! These links are not necessarily in any particular order, but I’ll probably provide a brief description of each.


Educational CS Resources:

CS for All

screenshot of website

  • “CS for All” (from Harvey Mudd College) is a great free online computer science learning platform.
  • Aims to make computer science education accessible everyone.
  • Introduces fundamental CS concepts.


  • LeetCode is an online platform that provides coding challenges and technical interview preparation resources.
  • Features problems across various difficulty levels, covering algorithms, data structures, and more.


  • HackerRank is an online platform that provides coding challenges and competitions across a range of domains, including algorithms, data structures, and specific programming languages.
  • It also offers interview preparation resources and tools for companies to conduct technical assessments.

Understanding Recursion

  • This is a fantastic explanation which helped me grok the concept of recursion.
  • This site has some other cool/smart content as well.

The Difference Between a Framework and a Library

  • “Developers often use the terms “library” and “framework” interchangeably. But GBthere is a difference…”


Other Random CS Resources:

Installing Windows 10?

Windows 10 Performance and Install Integrity Checklist

  • I would recommend consulting this guide for fresh Windows 10 installs and when troubleshooting issues (or a similar guide for Windows 11, Linux, or even MacOS).
  • Provides a detailed checklist for troubleshooting and improving Windows 10 performance.
    • System Restore, updating drivers and Windows components, cleaning startup processes, scanning for malware, running disk checks, fixing system files using sfc and DISM, etc.

Building a PC?

Do’s, Don’ts, and Tips for first time bulders

  • great reddit guide.

SSD Comparison Chart

  • Really cool chart to understand how many GB/$ you can get at each price point, and help you choose a good storage option for your needs.
  • This site seems to still be getting live updates, it has data from 2024 which is up to date at the time of this writing.

Need to make a diagram/flowchart?


  • Lucidchart is an online diagramming tool.
  • Create flowcharts, mind maps, wireframes, and other visual representations for business, technical, or educational purposes.
  • Used for visualizing processes, systems, and organizational structures.

Making a README for a Github Repo?


  • Great template to make a very readable and functional readme! Cool icon tools!

Editors stack of choice for a freely hosted personal website (static website):